It’s a huge benefit to know what warning signs to look for before working with any contractor. I assure you, our entire team has worked diligently to create a system for your experience with The Roofing Company to go as smooth as possible. The Roofing Company promises as your Neighborhood Roofing Professional, to accomplish the following things.
Answer the phone and set an appointment for your Expert Roof Consultation. You might be surprised how many contractors don’t answer the phone or even get back to you at all. Perhaps you are even experiencing that now. We take every call as serious as the next.
Our Factory Trained Roofing Professionals will meet with you at the scheduled time to get started on your Custom Roofco Solution. We show up at the scheduled time, not within a window of time. You can have confidence that our roofing professionals are factory trained with a skillful eye to provide you with the best solution for your project. This would be the time as well, to have all decision-makers present so all concerns are addressed together.
Visually inspect your entire roof, including the underside from your attic, and show you digital photos of the issue. Without being able to visually inspect what the situation is, how can we provide a custom solution? Sure, contractors can get aerial dimensions of your roof without climbing on it or even going to your home, however they won’t know if something else is going on underneath it. In that case, the estimate you receive may not be the same, once part of your roof has already been torn off and you could be stuck with additional unforeseen costs.
Provide a Detailed Written Estimate, which explains YOUR roof design in an easy-to-understand language with imagery and lays out our Custom Roofco Solution with options. Every home improvement project is unique in its own way. We will work with you to design the right job that solves your issues and works within your budget.
Properly install your roof according to the Manufacturer’s Specific Instruction to ensure your Roof has a valid registered warranty. Bottom Line: We follow Manufacturer’s Specifications simply because that’s how it should be. As an added bonus to you, the valid registered warranty is transferable, if you sell your home within the warranty time frame. We’ll be more than happy to tell you more about that.
Clean up your home to a broom clean condition. Beyond the Roof: We come annually!
We are so confident in our team and the services completed that we will come back to inspect your home year after year. We understand it can be a nerve-wrecking experience to choose your roofing contractor out of so many and that’s one of the reasons we built this system. I am excited The Roofing Company is that contractor who really cares about your investment and wants to help eliminate as much stress as possible.
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