Unfortunately, the actions of a few bad roofers gives the rest of us a bad name.

I can’t stress enough about being especially cautious when hiring a roofing contractor who shows any of the red flags in the list below. Asking the right questions and looking out for a few warning signs will go a long way toward hiring the right company to complete your project.

Here are a few warning signs:

  • No business phone number and no website (often signs of a one- person company).
  • No business address listed in the area, such as companies that arrive when the storms have damages homes and are gone after the repair work is done.
  • No verifiable insurance—always ask for proof of insurance! Also, be sure the insurance is current!
  • Will not provide references, including names, phone numbers, and addresses.
  • Comparatively low prices—this could mean missing scope of work or inexperience.
  • Asks for all or most of the total price to be paid up front.
  • Asks for the homeowner to apply for and obtain permits.