Selecting the kind of roof that is perfect for your location’s climate entails questions, a series of questions, if you may.
Your roofing contractors should be ready to answer concerns like the following:
- How long will this particular roof material last?
- How good is its resistance against the elements of nature, such as winds and fire?
- Can it match the aesthetic theme and style of your house?
- What materials is it made of? Is it energy-efficient? Is it environmentally sustainable?
- Is the kind of roofing you want allowed by the building codes in your area?
- How much is it?
Here, we give you a roundup of five common roofing materials and what makes one kind preferred over another.
Asphalt shingles are the most popular roofing material, able to comprise over 80% of the residential roofing market. They last about 15 to 20 years. Its resistance to wind and fire is fine, and it’s very affordable and moderately heavy.
Depending on the metal used, such as steel or copper, metal roofing can be more expensive than asphalt. But it makes up for it with its excellent durability and wind resistance. It can last up to 50 years. It can be composed of recycled material and doesn’t absorb much heat. It’s also known for its light weight.
Clay Tile
This material is highly environmentally sustainable. It’s also very resistant against fire, but not so much against wind. Clay tile shingles can last more than 50 years.
Slate is made of natural slate rocks (which gives its natural look) and is one of the oldest materials made for roofing. It’s popular for being superior in terms of durability as well as wind and fire resistance. Slate is all about longevity—it can last more than 100 years.
This material provides your home with a natural look, and it’s environmentally friendly as well. Despite its high maintenance and short life span, it has excellent wind resistance and affordability.
In choosing your roof, it’s good to consult roofing contractors in Hampton Roads so you’ll be able to receive professional and detailed suggestions.
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